Intrebari frecvente

Cele mai frecvente întrebări despre cum funcționează afacerea noastră și ce poate face pentru tine.

Cât timp este activ acest site?

Your Mini-Website/Digital V-Card/WhatsApp Store will be live according to your Plan. After Expiring the Plan Term and if, you did not renew, Your site will be Unavailable to Public, After renewing on your end. Site will be available to public.

Pot să instalez/încarc tot ce vreau acolo?

No. You can upload only Photos in Image Library in V-Card, Profile Picture and Cover Image in V-Card and Products Image in WhatsApp Store.

Cum pot migra pe alt site?

No, You can Only use on this website. Migration option not available yet.

Pot schimba domeniul pe care mi-l dai?

You can generate Personalized link for your WhatsApp Store and V-Card. But, Can not add own domain. We are working for Custom Domain Addition. We will Inform you when ready.

Câte site-uri pot crea simultan?

With Personal Plan, You can create 2 Sites at Once. With, Business Plan, You can create unlimited Mini-Website/WhatsApp Store.

Cum pot comunica cu tine?

You can contact us through E-mail Also, You can live chat with support team, Click on Chat head button. Support Team will reply to your query.

Nu ai găsit răspunsul?